
How We Do It

The Way We Work Defines Us

A Time Proven, Flexible Approach

There’s no magic to delivering quality commercial software. Like anything in life, expertise and experience play a large role in whether a project meets and exceeds its goals. We apply our time-proven processes and approach to your project. 

We tend to take an iterative approach when creating software – for the non-programmer that means we first get it get up and running for you and then add more and more functionality as needed until the job is complete.

Using this approach allows you to give us feedback on how everything is working and what else we need to change or add in order for the software to do what you need. We can be focused enough to keep the project on course but flexible enough to adapt to new ideas that always seem to arise along the way.

This inclusive process lets you know what’s happening as we progress. When your system is up and running it will perform as needed and you won’t have any surprises. We adapt the program to fit your needs, not supply you with a system to which you must adjust.

Relationships That Last

We understand that it takes more money and time to acquire a new customer than it does to satisfy and keep an existing one. We go to great lengths to create the kind of relationship with our customers that will last over time. A number of them we have worked with for over 10+ consecutive years.  We value long-term customer relationships and the opportunity to a work with a product throughout its lifecycle – from the first release to the next. We will support what we build for years into the future.

We Don’t Waste Your Time and Money

The only way we can truly create the best possible commercial software for you is to understand your business and your needs. However, we don’t use this as an excuse to waste your time and money. During the initial stages of every the project, we learn quickly and precisely about your company, your industry, and the factors that will help make your commercial software a success out in the field. It doesn’t have to take years to create great software!

Hip on Technology

Let’s face it, technology changes faster than most companies can keep up with it. Every year software users become more sophisticated and expect more from their software. Our team of senior software product developers works hard to stay informed about the latest technologies and design concepts. What’s more, we have the experience to know how to appropriately apply new ideas to the real world problems we encounter.

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is important to us because we know it’s important to you. We believe that when a product is released into the field, your number of support calls and time should not have to automatically increase. To that end, we iteratively build and test our solutions throughout the lifecycle of the project. This allows our team to find bugs sooner in the development process and results in fewer bugs reported by beta and alpha testers and shipped in the final product.

On Budget, On Time

Creating quality commercial software would be easy if there were no constraints on time and money. But how much fun would that be? It’s the challenge of creating fabulous software products within budget and on schedule that makes our work so exciting. On budget, on time – it’s a goal we work hard to achieve and have fun doing it.